Supporting Ekletico

Dear Friends,

At Ekletico School of Music, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to explore the transformative power of music, regardless of their financial circumstances. That's why we're reaching out to you today, asking for your support in our mission to provide scholarships for students facing financial hardships.

In these uncertain times, many families are struggling to make ends meet, making it difficult for them to afford extracurricular activities such as music lessons for their children. However, we firmly believe that access to music education should not be determined by economic status. It is a fundamental right that enriches the lives of young learners and fosters their holistic development.

With your generous donation, we can offer scholarships to more students, enabling them to participate in our music programs and experience the myriad benefits that music education has to offer. Additionally, your contribution will allow us to purchase much-needed musical instruments, ensuring that every student has access to the tools they need to cultivate their musical talents.

Furthermore, we are committed to transparency and accountability. We will provide you with our tax information, allowing you to claim your donation as a tax exemption. Your support will not only make a tangible difference in the lives of these students but will also contribute to building a stronger, more vibrant community where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of young minds, empowering them to reach their full potential through the gift of music. Thank you for considering a donation to Ekletico School of Music. Your generosity will resonate in the hearts and minds of these students forever.

With gratitude,

Clecio Almeida

Director of Ekletico School of Music